Soy Madi y soy Educadora Somática.
Me especializo en movimiento y relajación basados en el sistema nervioso, y tengo más de 17 años de práctica y 7 años de enseñanza tanto a nivel local como internacional. Enseñé yoga durante 6 años antes de sumergirme en el estudio de la somática para profundizar mi comprensión del dolor crónico y el TEPT.
Creo que la curación es un proceso de compasión y curiosidad que dura toda la vida, por lo que estoy constantemente explorando nuevas formas de ayudarme a mí mismo y a los demás a mejorar su calidad de vida. Mi certificación incluye RYT200 con Vincent Lu, entrenamiento avanzado de Vinyasa Krama con Srivatsa Ramaswami, entrenamiento de curación chamánica 1 y 2 con Vinod Ibex, Reiki con Bernie Heimbeiker, y actualmente estoy completando mi educación somática con Essential Somatics.
Mi objetivo es ayudar a las personas a sentirse más vivas aprendiendo cómo moverse mejor en sus cuerpos, ¡y luego sentirse bien al respecto! Si quieres trabajar conmigo, ¡no dudes en contactarme!
However, things took a turn when I started experiencing chronic hip pain and crippling anxiety attacks. I tried everything from chiropractic care to physiotherapy, acupuncture, massage, breathwork, and even continued my yoga practice—nothing worked. That was until I found two Somatic specialists who helped me uncover the root of my issues.
All of my problems stemmed from C-PTSD and my inability to cope with stress. My body had been storing carbon monoxide, poisoning me slowly and leading to functional pain. I developed sensory-motor amnesia, freezing areas of my body that were stuck in survival mode, which eventually triggered an autoimmune condition.
I realized that I couldn’t keep ignoring the traumas I had buried for years. I had been assaulted by people I trusted and endured multiple traumatic events without seeking support. Worse still, I had been using spiritual practices to dissociate from these painful realities.
This breakdown became my breakthrough, and it saved my life. I healed my chronic pain, learned how to breathe again, and, most importantly, changed how I showed up in relationships. As I healed, I noticed that many of my clients and students were going through similar struggles. This inspired me to create my Somatic Healing Programs and my transformational coaching program, The Boundary Babe.
Now, I’ve helped hundreds of people transform their minds, bodies, and spirits—and I would love to help you too!